SAMICHLAUS HELLES is brewed only once a year on December 6, and is aged for 10 month before bottling.
Samichlaus is one of the rarest beer specialties in the world and with 14% alcohol by volume ,it is the strongest of its kind. SAMICHLAUS may be aged in the bottle for many years to come, as older vintages become more complex. 2007 Samichlaus Helles was relaunched after more then 20 years absence.
Colour wet grains, brilliant gold/amber colour
Nose white pepper, complex dry toasted malt nose
Taste nice honey sweetness, some spicy hops
Huge intensely sweet palate
同“薩密克勞斯”一樣,“薩密克勞斯”清啤也只在每年的12月6日圣.尼古拉節(jié)(St.Nicholas’Day)釀造一次,裝瓶前貯藏10個月,高達14%的酒精含量是同類產品中*高的,這令它在裝瓶后可以貯存多年,如葡萄酒中的陳年佳釀一般愈陳愈香。 2007年,“薩密克勞斯”清啤在沉寂了20多年之后,又被重新推向市場。
色澤 光亮琥珀色
氣味 干鮮麥芽烤香,混以濃烈啤酒花的辛辣氣息
味道 口感既濃烈、辛辣,又香醇甘美,帶有奶油的溫暖回味