配 料:鮮榨橙汁
凈 含 量:480ml
中橙 鮮榨橙汁是中橙股份的核心產品,原料取自優(yōu)質贛南臍橙,含豐富天然維生素C,β-胡蘿卜素、葉酸,每一滴都散發(fā)天然的誘人橙香!經(jīng)常飲用可均衡體內營養(yǎng),增強肌體活力,有效**亞健康!專家建議每人每日飲用量不低于250ml,孕婦每日飲用量不低于300ml,以充分補充人體所需。
China Orange freshly squeezed orange juice, made from fresh quality Gannan navel orange, is our core product. It is excellent source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, and folic acid. Every drop of China Orange juice emits natural and intense orange aromas. Regular consuming it can balance alimentation, enhance your body’s vitality and prevent sub-health effectively. Experts advise consumption of at least 250ml orange juice every day. For a pregnant woman, more than 300ml orange juice is needed per day.
中橙 鮮榨橙汁是采用鮮橙直接進行物理榨汁、殺菌和灌裝的,果實在離樹48小時內完成全部加工、灌裝、冷藏過程,限度地保留其營養(yǎng)成份。
China Orange freshly squeezed orange juice comes from fresh oranges by physical processing. Once the oranges are picked, they are transported for processing and the procedure of processing, filling and refrigeration will be finished in 48 hours. The maximum nutrition can be maintained in this way.
中橙 鮮榨橙汁無香精、無色素、無防腐劑,是一款真正健康、營養(yǎng)、安全的“三無”食品!
China Orange freshly squeezed orange juice has no artificial colors, no preservatives and no essence, so you can get the most delicious taste. It is the perfect combination of health and delicious taste.